

Jul 05, 2023

Man Judges Bloody Pads, Not Realizing They Are Due To Giving Birth, Wife Tells Him To Wipe Better

Bringing a child into this world is a very empowering yet intense process that is incredibly taxing and requires a ton of support.

This Redditor’s husband, instead of being there for his postpartum wife, decided to have an “ew, blood from a uterus!” convo while urging her to hide her sanitary pads better. Thankfully, though, the woman found a perfect comeback to shut down his man-child remark.

More info: Reddit

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Image credits: RDNE Stock project (not the actual photo)

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Image credits: Karolina Grabowska (not the actual photo)

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Image credits: Gabe Pierce (not the actual photo)

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Image source: u/throaway58895

“AITA for telling my husband I’ll dispose of my feminine products when he wipes better?” – this new mom took to one of Reddit’s most judgmental communities, asking its members if she’s indeed a jerk for telling her husband to learn to wipe better after he made a remark about her bloody sanitary pads. The post managed to garner nearly 30K upvotes as well as 2.5K comments discussing the matter.

Did you know that according to the National Center for Biotechnology Information, which provides a large suite of online resources for biological information and data, “around one in seven women can develop postpartum depression (PPD)”?

Everybody and their grandad knows how traumatic births can be (well, for the majority of the part): physical stress, fear and the uncertainty of what’s going to happen next, serious medical interventions, emotional impact, post-delivery complications, etc.

Nobody can truly predict the outcome and whether the soon-to-be mom will have a positive experience, and that’s why it’s vital to stand by, back up, and assist women in order to give them the best chance of recovery!

However, it just so happens that sometimes partners, unless they happen to be healthcare professionals or have already witnessed childbirth before, fail to recognize the severity of the event and the challenges that come with it.

Lochia, or postpartum bleeding, is a normal process of the after-baby period that is crucial to the healing of the uterus; it lasts for several weeks and, despite the OP’s husband’s certain beliefs of it being just a period, it’s not the same thing as menstruation.

It’s not criminal to not be familiar with birthing and the things that come after; however, what does deserve a couple of days in a correctional institution is being immature about it when you’re a grown man with now two children.

Be it menstruation or postpartum bleeding – it’s a natural bodily process, and holding stigmatized ideas about it is a very outdated quirk that is neither funny nor normal.

Yes, people are allowed to be afraid of blood, yet shaming it and calling it “disgusting” when your wife has just undergone the most petrifying thing that made you a father when you can’t even bother to follow basic hygiene procedures – are you really one to talk?

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Image credits: Andrea Piacquadio (not the actual photo)

It’s all pretty straightforward.

The author of the post is a housewife with a husband who works a typical 9-5 job; the woman takes care of the house, laundry, dishes, kids, you name it.

The couple also has just welcomed a baby, so the OP is still dealing with postpartum bleeding and wears sanitary pads. If you’re a fellow bleeder, you know that when the flow is heavy, no matter how you wrap it (unless you’re a highly concerned individual that uses all resources available just to hide it) – you’ll still be able to see some blood peeking through. It’s normal – we’re all grown-ups here!

However, the spouse in question is not of a similar opinion and decided to waste time that he could’ve used on his kids and healing wife to point out to her how “disgusting” it is to walk into the bathroom and see a tiny bit of blood on the tissue in the bin that according to the Redditor is temporarily lidless.

But! There’s no need to fret, as the woman immediately struck back and pointed out the guy’s ignorance of personal grooming and said that once he masters his wiping technique, she’ll then think about a more concealed disposal of the feminine products.

What a beautiful story, eh?

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Darja is a Content Creator at Bored Panda. She studied at the University of Westminster, where she got her Bachelor's degree in Contemporary Media Practice. She loves photography, foreign music and re-watching Forrest Gump.

Hey! I'm a photo editor. In my free time, I love going to art galleries, exhibitions, concerts or just hanging out in nature with my friends. My dream is to get an RV and travel around the world with my dog.

D-I-V-O-R-C-E. Any man who treats the mother of his child that way deserves to die alone in his poopy pants.

Absolutely! Also, how does this guy just wonder around with shít-cheeks all the time and not feel (and smell) completely disgusting?! And why didn't his parents teach him to wipe his a*s?! Why didn't a grown man figure out that that is gross behavior and learn to wipe his own àss properly?! I have so many questions.

I wondered about that, too. Maybe he has carpal tunnel? I get the sense that this relationship is beyond what a bidet can solve. But it's a great start.

Her husband is the one that's disgusting. Having shît stuck to his boxers and his A$$, ffs. He needs to get his head out of his A$$.

Why did I since D-I-V-O-R-C-E in Tammy Wynette's voice ....

How else would you say it lol?


Agreed with you

If you can marry a large infant, then you can divorce a large infant. Any man that gets grossed out by period blood needs to get over it. A lot of women bleed, it's nature.

This one is from 2 years ago. I wonder if that kid has been toilet trained yet. I agree with you, he's kind of old to still need diapers.

I looked on Reddit for current information. For whatever reason, the OP's account shows as "suspended".

If guys got periods, you know we'd brag about them. Those pads would be displayed on top of the trash with 0 effort to hide them.

Not even period blood, blood from having his freakin' kid! He should be disposing of the pads for her and buying her new ones at the very least. She's still healing! What an a*s.

I'd much rather deal with blood than poop

Agreed. I dealt with both blood and poop frequently and in quantity while caring for my disabled, bedridden dad for 20+ years (and mucus too. Oh so much mucus and phlegm). I can say with two decades of expertise and experience that I will take blood over poop ANY day. My dad had a feeding tube, so his nutrition was wholly liquid, which meant his... waste was entirely liquid as well, and he wore diapers. There were some terrible days when he would leak out of his diapers and stuff would get EVERYWHERE. I'd rather deal with and clean up the menstrual blood of 50 people with vaginas than ONE Dad Poopstorm™. My dad died two years ago and I loved him dearly and I miss him immensely, but I do not miss the poop at all.

This caregiving story is gold and I want to hug you

She mentioned in the comments that he's not squeamish about any other sort of blood.

D-I-V-O-R-C-E. Any man who treats the mother of his child that way deserves to die alone in his poopy pants.

Absolutely! Also, how does this guy just wonder around with shít-cheeks all the time and not feel (and smell) completely disgusting?! And why didn't his parents teach him to wipe his a*s?! Why didn't a grown man figure out that that is gross behavior and learn to wipe his own àss properly?! I have so many questions.

I wondered about that, too. Maybe he has carpal tunnel? I get the sense that this relationship is beyond what a bidet can solve. But it's a great start.

Her husband is the one that's disgusting. Having shît stuck to his boxers and his A$$, ffs. He needs to get his head out of his A$$.

Why did I since D-I-V-O-R-C-E in Tammy Wynette's voice ....

How else would you say it lol?


Agreed with you

If you can marry a large infant, then you can divorce a large infant. Any man that gets grossed out by period blood needs to get over it. A lot of women bleed, it's nature.

This one is from 2 years ago. I wonder if that kid has been toilet trained yet. I agree with you, he's kind of old to still need diapers.

I looked on Reddit for current information. For whatever reason, the OP's account shows as "suspended".

If guys got periods, you know we'd brag about them. Those pads would be displayed on top of the trash with 0 effort to hide them.

Not even period blood, blood from having his freakin' kid! He should be disposing of the pads for her and buying her new ones at the very least. She's still healing! What an a*s.

I'd much rather deal with blood than poop

Agreed. I dealt with both blood and poop frequently and in quantity while caring for my disabled, bedridden dad for 20+ years (and mucus too. Oh so much mucus and phlegm). I can say with two decades of expertise and experience that I will take blood over poop ANY day. My dad had a feeding tube, so his nutrition was wholly liquid, which meant his... waste was entirely liquid as well, and he wore diapers. There were some terrible days when he would leak out of his diapers and stuff would get EVERYWHERE. I'd rather deal with and clean up the menstrual blood of 50 people with vaginas than ONE Dad Poopstorm™. My dad died two years ago and I loved him dearly and I miss him immensely, but I do not miss the poop at all.

This caregiving story is gold and I want to hug you

She mentioned in the comments that he's not squeamish about any other sort of blood.