

Nov 17, 2023

What really ought to be banned in NJ

Government is great at forcing you to do things and dressing it up pretty like they’re doing you a favor. Bans seldom feel OK.

Did you know this week the incandescent lightbulb was just banned from being sold in the United States? If you still have them you can use them, but as far as buying new ones, no way. You now need to buy LED bulbs. Yes, they last longer, but they can be three and a half times more expensive.

In New Jersey, it’s been more than a year since they banned single-use plastic bags (My small bathroom trash can needs a liner and my dog pooping would argue they are not single-use). Just today, I overheard a conversation between a store clerk and two customers all bitching about the new law, and pointing out several areas where it was short-sighted.

Bans don’t feel good. Usually because they’re banning things most people still want; like gas stoves.

But what if they banned the right things?

Opinions expressed in the post above are those of New Jersey 101.5 talk show host Jeff Deminski only.

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